+0121 243 9032
Chhoti Panchli, Bagpat Marg, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh 250002
09:00 - 21:00
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About IASS

International Association for Scientific Spiritualism

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About IASS

India, the land of mystics, seers and saints, is the home of the world headquarters of International Association for Scientific Spiritualism (IASS) located on the 5 acre campus of Badari Narayan Sevagram, a quaint cozy ashram near an ancient Indian village, Choti Panchili, adjacent to Meerut, which is approximately 65 Kilometers east of New Delhi.

IASS is a non-profit spiritual organization without dogmas and is engaged in the holistic and scientific development of the whole person.

Its purpose is to guide individuals around the globe to attain God Realization, which promises divine health, vibrant vitality, abiding happiness, profound illumination and universal love on all of the five planes:

1) Physical 2) Vital 3) Emotional 4) Intellectual 5) Spiritual

In addition, one is also promised abundant prosperity.

Unlike most spiritual organizations that focus mainly on meditation, ritualism or both, IASS teaches a unique philosophy that is said to be the most comprehensive and quickest way to God-realization.