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Pujyashree Akhilesh ji Maharaj

http://iass.infoPujyashree Akhilesh ji Maharaj

Pujyashree Akhilesh ji Maharaj

Sri Akhileshji, the founding president of International Association for Scientific Spiritualism (IASS) was appointed its spiritual head by His Divine Grace Yogiji before his departure in 2001. Sri Akhileshji continually serves individuals by guiding them towards true spiritual and healthy lifestyles with the ultimate goal of God realization through the philosophy of Tap-Seva-Sumiran.

Sri Akhileshji was born on March 2, 1950 in the city of Lakhimpur located in the state of Uttar Pradesh (U.P.), India. After receiving his degree in engineering he held various senior executive positions with the government of U.P.

Early in the beginning of his successful career, at the age of 22, after seeing a once very successful friend who had lost everything, who was hunched over and who was full of disease, he began questioning, “What is the purpose of my life and the reason of my birth?”

It has been said that when the student is ready, the teacher appears. This is the case with Sri Akhileshji. It wasn’t until 1978 after several years of a successful career where he was earning huge sums of money, owned lots of property and his family had all the comforts that he began getting answers to his question. It was through a serendipitous experience that his teacher, His Divine Grace Yogiji, appeared and began teaching the principles of Tap-Seva-Sumiran. After having just three meetings with His Divine Grace Yogiji within a 24 hour period, Sri Akhileshji immediately began applying the principles of Tap-Seva-Sumiran in his life as well as sharing them with others.

In 1994 after receiving permission from His Divine Grace Yogiji, Sri Akhileshji resigned from his prestigious position and has since been dedicating his entire life for spreading the principles of Tap-Seva-Sumiran. Being a true devotee of His Divine Grace Yogiji, he serves continuously for these principles.

He serves not only the people of India, but travels around the world to various countries including America, Australia, Canada, England, Fiji, Germany, Holland, New Zealand, South Africa and Nepal.

In his discourses aimed at helping people understand the real values of their human lives and to get rid of unnecessary tensions and diseases caused from their modern fast-paced materialistic world, he uses examples from all traditions quoting equally from the Holy Bible, Quran, Sri Ramcharitmanas and Bhagavad Gita. Numerous people have been so convinced of the principles of Tap-Seva-Sumiran that they have changed their thinking, feeling, eating habits and lifestyles.

After Parampujya ‘Yogiji’ Maharaj left his body, Shri Akhileshji maharaj was nominated the supreme spiritual head and president of I.A.S.S. Hindu University of America chose him as a professor for Diploma course on Shri Ramcharit manas. He was awarded by Rashtriya Ramayan Manch as ‘Manas Ratna’. This way honoured by various spiritual organizations with various laurels and degrees Pujyashri kept on serving millions of people by his discourse on different TV Channels and by travelling all across the globe personally.

In 2006 after acceptance of IASS as a trust in America Pujyashree went to America in October with his wife pujya Maa Savitaji. He spent 45 days in America taking religious discourses on Manas Yog Sadhna and serving people by spiritually guiding them to follow principles of Ram charitmanas .On 9th Dec while still residing in USA in a devastating fire at his son’s place, this divine couple united with God Almighty and left for heavenly abode. In Meerut (India) Ashram at ‘Premsthali’ Pujyashri’s flowers are kept which reminds all of us for service towards mankind and to the revered Guru. Pujyashri’s spiritual institution IASS headquarter is located in Badari Narayan Sevagram, Chhoti Panchli, Meerut,Uttar Pradesh , India serving mankind .From this place not only India but people from 13 countries of the world are being served by providing services on the basis of the principles of Shri Ramcharit Manas. ‘Badri Narayan Sevagram’ has become a pure and pious religious place where his work is continued conducted under the spiritual guidance of the current spiritual head 83 years old Maa Malti ji.