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गोपनीयता नीति

http://iass.infoगोपनीयता नीति

IASS takes your privacy seriously and treats all financial information about any transaction you have with the Foundation as highly confidential. In addition, IASS does not share e-mail addresses or phone numbers of any of our Buyers or donors or constituents.

The Foundation deeply values all contributions to sustain our mission. To protect the privacy of our donors and their special relationship with IASS, we maintain the following policies:

  • We may request personal information online, such as name, address, phone number, email address, and credit card number ONLY for the purposes of accepting payment to IASS.
  • We will not release or use this information for any other purpose unless we have your consent.
  • We do not trade or sell your personal information with other organisations.
  • We offer the buyer the option to be recognized anonymously.
  • Buyers may request, at any time, to not receive our solicitations.
  • Buyers may request to not receive certain mailings, such as our newsletter.
  • We do not track, collect or distribute personal information entered by those who visit our website.
  • Personal information stored in IASS database is protected with a secured login with authentication, assignment of a unique ID to each person with computer access, regular pass code changes, and user IDs are deactivated or terminated as needed.
  • Our hosting data server provides data protection meeting encrypted communication via SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) technology, intrusion detection for all devices and network nodes, state-of-the-art firewall infrastructure that detects malicious application attacks, virus protection, network load balancing devices via Citrix, and patch management, security and vulnerability monitoring and tracking, and SQL server attack protection via applications to detect SQL Injection and Cross Site Scripting Attacks.

What information we collect
We use personal information collected from Buyer for the purposes of processing payments and communicating with Buyer about IASS as well as conducting the fundraising and other operations of IASS. This information may include name, amount donated, address, telephone number, Buyer comments, e-mail address, and any other personal information provided to us (“Buyer Data”).

Information from Payment Processors and Other Service Providers: Payment processors allow buyers to give electronically using a payment services account, a credit card, or other payment methods. These processors collect certain information from buyers, and you should consult their privacy policies to determine their practices.

To provide buyers the best possible experience, we work with service providers and may share buyer Data and other information with, or have it transmitted through, them. Such service providers include, for example, collocation facilities and bandwidth providers as well as organisations that help non-profit organizations with fundraising.

How we use that information
Buyer Data may be used for these kinds of purposes:

  • Distributing receipts and thanking buyers for donations
  • Informing buyers about upcoming fundraising and other activities of IASS
  • Internal analysis, such as research and analytics
  • Record keeping
  • Reporting to applicable government agencies as required by law
  • Surveys, metrics, and other analytical purposes
  • Other purposes related to the fundraising operations,

Anonymous buyer information may be used for promotional and fundraising activities. Comments that are provided by buyers may be publicly published and may be used in promotional materials. We may use available information to supplement the Buyer Data to improve the information we use to drive our fundraising efforts. We may allow buyers the option to have their name publicly associated with their donation unless otherwise requested as part of the online donation process.

We use data gathered for payment processors and other service providers only for the purposes described in this policy.

Contact us
If you have questions about this Buyer Privacy Policy or requests about the status and correctness of your buyer data, please contact us at iass@iass.info

We are committed to protecting buyer personal information from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction. Among other things, we undertake a range of security practices, including measures to help secure web access to sensitive data and undertake efforts to address security vulnerabilities for various tools and databases.

Other Disclosures
We may disclose information when required by law; when needed to protect our rights, privacy, safety, property, buyers, or users; and when necessary to enforce our terms of service.

We may change the Buyer Privacy Policy from time to time. Any and all changes will be reflected on this page. Substantive changes may also be announced through the standard mechanisms by which we communicate with our users and community. You should periodically check this page for any changes to the current policy.

Data Retention
We seek to retain Buyer-related information only as needefulfillulfil the purposes described in this policy unless a longer retention period is required by law or regulations. For example, tax laws in the India may require us to keep contact information and contribution level of donors on file.

You have certain rights with respect to the information we collect about you. Upon request, we will tell you what information we hold about you and correct any incorrect information. We will also make reasonable efforts to delete your information if you ask us to do so, unless we are otherwise required to keep it.